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Support our ministry and mission through your generous giving

Ways to Give

Giving is an act of worship that makes the day-to-day transformation of lives possible. Your generosity supports our church's ministries and mission in our community and beyond.

Give Now

Make a one-time electronic gift to support our ministries

Recurring Giving

Make your gift automatic with a scheduled recurring donation

Text to Give

A quick and secure way to give using your mobile phone

People worshipping together

Why We Give

Stewardship is directly linked to our journey of discipleship. How we use our resources is primarily a spiritual issue, not a financial one. We acknowledge that living generously is an inseparable part of following Christ.

It is God's intention that we grow more generous and take bigger steps in our giving as we become more aware of how richly God has blessed us in Christ.

Giving Resources

We offer several resources to help you in your giving journey. Whether you're considering a pledge, need forms for electronic giving, or want guidance on planned giving, we're here to help.

Estimate of Giving

Make a commitment to support our ministries and help us plan for the coming year with an estimate of giving form.

Printable Giving Forms

Download forms to start, modify, or stop electronic giving. These can be mailed or handed in to the church office.

Giving Step Charts

Use these charts as a guide when considering your annual giving to Clarkston United Methodist Church.

Memorial garden at the church

Memorial Giving

Memorial gifts provide a meaningful way to honor the memory of a loved one. Honor gifts are also given to celebrate someone who is still with us—for an anniversary, birthday, or simply to express gratitude. These gifts support our church's ongoing ministries while honoring special people in your life.

Church building representing legacy

Legacy Giving

Legacy giving provides our congregation with a perpetual source of income in support of the church's ministries and missions for generations to come. By including Clarkston United Methodist Church in your estate planning, you can create a lasting impact that extends beyond your lifetime.