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Our Story

Since 1841, a faith journey serving Clarkston and beyond

A Journey of Faith and Community

Since 1841, Clarkston Methodist Episcopal Church has been an integral part of our community's spiritual journey. Our story is one of faith, growth, and dedication to serving God's purpose in Clarkston.

In 1841 the Clarkston Methodist Episcopal Church was chartered. There is little written to describe what those charter members thought their particular mission was as a church in the then rural countryside of Michigan. Over the years, the church offered worship, Christian education, fellowship and mission. The original church building was located at the corner of Buffalo and Church streets. After fire destroyed a number of frame buildings, the brick edifice at Church and Buffalo streets, which now serves as a private home, was built in 1897 and served the congregation for over 60 years.

Historic Clarkston Methodist Episcopal Church

The original brick church at Church and Buffalo streets, built in 1897

In the 1950's this congregation was an established presence in the community, lodged in one of the great historic buildings on E. Church and Buffalo street. In the middle of that decade, something stirred to challenge the status quo of this church. The historical retelling of what happened is still available from a few who were there at the time. A congregational member donated a seven acre site in 1957, where the current building now stands.

The congregation made the decision to move from its long loved location and build a new church. This kind of decision never comes casually in the life of a church. Over the years members attach a great deal of importance on the places where they have worshiped, married, baptized, buried and celebrated resurrection. The only way to be able to find the way to leave such a sacred location is to discover a greater calling and purpose that compels a decision to move.

"When our spiritual parents made the decision to come down the hill to the present location of the church, they were literally taking a huge step of faith. There was no certainty that God would bless their action that ministry would flourish or that others would come to share in the work. There was only the commitment to faithfully follow where they felt God was leading them."

The faithfulness of God quickly became evident by the vitality of ministry of the congregation. Some might perceive that people were drawn to this church because of the beauty of the building or the charisma of certain pastors or church program. The truth is that this congregation grew because whenever the people of God act in faith as they engage in mission, a blessing follows.

Since that time, the church has maintained faithful ministry. Over those years there have been the typical church life moments of comedy, pain, triumph and failure. Throughout it all, this congregation has had a significant presence in the community and engaged in quality ministry.

Our Timeline



Clarkston Methodist Episcopal Church was chartered, establishing our presence in the rural Michigan countryside.

Brick Church

Brick Church

After a fire destroyed our original frame building, a new brick edifice was built at Church and Buffalo streets.

Land Donation

Land Donation

A congregational member donated seven acres of land where our current church building now stands.

New Building

New Building

The congregation moved from its long-loved location to build a new church at our current site.

Continuing the Journey

Continuing the Journey

We continue to grow and serve our community, building on the foundation of faith established by those who came before us.

Our Core Values

  • Committed to Christ
  • Growing in Faith
  • Transformational Mission
  • Life-Changing Generosity
  • Inclusion for All

Leadership Through the Years

Rev. Frank A. Cozadd


Rev. Paul M. Cargo


Rev. James R. Balfour

Jan. 1976-1985Pastor

Rev. Douglas R. Trebilcock


Rev. Carole A. Massey

1986-1987Associate Pastor

Rev. Tracy Lynne Huffman

1995-1999Associate Pastor

Rev. Jill H. Zundel

1999-2006Associate Pastor

Christine E. Wyatt


Rev. Richard L. Dake


Rev. Reed P. Swanson

2008-2010Associate Pastor

Rev. Amy E. Mayo-Moyle

2010-2015Associate Pastor

Rev. Laura Speiran


Rev. Megan Walther

2017-PresentAssociate Pastor

Rev. Christy Miller White


Rev. Amy E. Mayo-Moyle

2021-PresentSenior Pastor

Visit Our Church

Would you like to see our beautiful campus in person? You are more than welcome to come visit any time the church is open.

Monday-Friday 9am-3pm
Worship with us Sundays 9am-11am