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Legacy Giving

Extend your impact for generations to come

Creating a Lasting Impact

Reaching out and extending our blessings beyond our own lives is an intrinsic part of Christian stewardship. We invite you to reflect on the importance of Clarkston United Methodist Church in your life, the life of your family, and in the Clarkston community.

Legacy Giving reflects evidence of generosity in both the early generation of church members and current members who made bequests to the church. Some gifts are unrestricted and others are designated to benefit a special passion of the donor, such as music and worship, or missions, or education, or to support our beautiful campus.

You are invited to make a difference in the life of Clarkston United Methodist Church by making a bequest or a current gift to the Endowment Fund. You may also want to consider making a gift to honor a loved one on an important occasion or anniversary. Gifts both large and small are welcomed.

What is Legacy Giving

Legacy Giving provides important support for the beautiful building and grounds and creates new opportunities for mission outreach and ministry over and above the Annual Operating Budget.

Unrestricted funds are particularly important and enable the church to address immediate priorities, including sudden emergencies, or to take advantage of rare opportunities that are not funded by the church's Annual Operating Budget.

Legacy giving illustration
Gift management illustration
Gift Management

Legacy Gifts are invested in the endowment at the United Methodist Foundation of Michigan. Gifts are managed such that the original gift is maintained in perpetuity while the investment earnings received are used by the church.

Gift Options

There are various ways to give Legacy Gifts to the Clarkston United Methodist Church, many of which may offer significant tax benefits to the donor. Here are some of the options to consider in charitable gift planning.

In all cases, you should consult with your personal tax and legal advisors to ensure that you plan and draft your Legacy Giving language carefully, considering your personal goals and individual circumstances, to maximize the benefits to you.

How Can I Participate?


Appreciated securities

Bequest by will

Name Clarkston United Methodist Church as a percentage beneficiary of your retirement benefits

Name Clarkston United Methodist Church as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy

Real estate

Personal property

Life income plans (Charitable Remainder Unitrust or Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust)

Perhaps the greatest reward of Legacy Giving is the knowledge that the gift, regardless of its size or form, will continue to assist the ministry at Clarkston United Methodist Church as it proclaims the good news of Jesus Christ to generations well into the future.

If you would like to speak with us about making a Legacy Gift, please contact:

Pastor Amy