Explore our past sermon series and dive deeper into God's Word
Movies are important to us. Sunday morning worship will explore lessons of faith found in popular movies, ranging from recent releases to classic films. You're invited to join us as we watch favorite movies, new and old, and discover connections between movies and the gospel.
Like Mary cradling divine promise, like shepherds watching through the night, we too are called to prepare our hearts for the miracle of Christ's birth. Join us as we rediscover how God's greatest gift arrived not in grandeur, but in the quiet of a manger – a moment that would forever transform our world.
Lets find the Joy in the Journey as we discuss generosity and its impact in our lives everyday.
Rooted in our faith in Christ, we ’ll explore how we can emulate Christ in our actions and interactions. On September 15th as we kick off this series, you’ll receive a “Be the Good” Calendar with an opportunity for you to do something good each day of this series. We encourage you to follow the calendar and engage in the intentionality of being a force for good in the world. We hope you ’ll share on social media, and through an in person collage at church, the ways that you are accepting the challenge.
Our sermon series this summer is called “In the Beginning” and it is on the book of Genesis. We will explore the ways God has called us to be in covenant. We will go on a biblical adventure as we get to know Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Esau and Joseph and how the covenant was lived through them.
The best stories spark something new each time we encounter them. This Lent, join us as we explore stories told by Jesus, like the parable of the mustard seed or the parable of the lost coin. These timeless tales will inspire us, challenge us, and nurture our faith, whether we know them well or are hearing them for the first time.
Join us for a heartwarming worship series this Christmas season as we explore the rich tapestry of holiday traditions that bring joy, warmth, and meaning to our lives. Through uplifting messages, festive music, and shared reflections, we'll delve into the timeless customs that connect us to the true spirit of Christmas. Come discover the beauty of cherished traditions that unite us in love, gratitude, and the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Since the completion of the building expansion in 2018, we have soared to new heights in ministry and outreach. This Fall, we will launch our Dare to Dream Generosity Challenge, which is focused on supporting the Annual Operating budget and completing our Capital Mortgage commitment.
Music is powerful. Music can inspire us. Join us as we pair the power of music with scripture in a series inspired my the music of the Beatles. Here we can Come Together and grow in faith.
Movies are important to us. Sunday morning worship will explore lessons of faith found in popular movies, ranging from recent releases to classic films. You're invited to join us as we watch favorite movies, new and old, and discover connections between movies and the gospel
This Advent our sermon series is all about Christmas carols. Sometimes we don’t always examine the words and consider what the songs are saying. Our Advent worship will do just that. I hope you’ll consider what words resonate with you and shape your faith. I believe it will be a meaningful time together. I look forward to sharing this sacred time of waiting through music!
Rise up; this matter is in your hands. We will support you, so take courage and do it.
The church is a village. Our village is shaped by mission statement and core values We all need a village not just to raise a family, but to journey through life.